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Electrive: Kleanbus launches tests of bus retrofitting kit

British company Kleanbus has announced the completion of the development of its first advanced modular electric platform, installing the pioneering system into its first prototype vehicle.Kleanbus claims that by combining proven electric powertrain components from Tier 1 suppliers with their own integration technology and proprietary software, the “e-drivetrain in a box” can convert a single or even double-decker bus from an internal combustion engine to fully electric operation quickly and cost-effectively.With the technology installed in an Optare Solo, Kleanbus is now accelerating its prototype testing programme, with dynamic development taking place at its facility in the east of England. In parallel, the company is also entering pilot trials with key bus fleet operators.

“Momentum is building rapidly with the completion of our ‘e-drivetrain in a box’ and the installation of this modular platform system into our first prototype,” said Joe Tighe, Co-Found and CEO of Kleanbus, adding: “ain in a box’ and the installation of this modular platform system into our first prototype. We are excited to accelerate our prototype testing programme, with pilot trials also starting this month with two bus operators.”

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