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An End to New Diesel Buses in London

Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, announced today that all new TfL buses in London will be zero emission. The Mayor’s statement recognised the importance of increased public transport use in tackling the twin emergencies of air pollution and climate change. 

Todays’ announcement accelerates the commitment London made in 2017, when they joined the 35 other cities across the world who signed C40’s fossil-fuel free streets declaration. These cities committed to procuring only zero-emission buses from 2025 and ensuring a major area of their city was zero emission by 2030.

London has also accelerated its previous commitment to delivering a 100 percent zero emission bus fleet by 2037, bring this forward three years to 2034. The Mayor said that with government funding the entire fleet could be zero emissions as soon as the end of 2030. Achieving a zero emissions fleet by 2037 would deliver a saving of 4 million tonnes of carbon, and accelerating this to 2030 would save an additional one million tonnes.

The Mayor’s interim target is for ten percent of the bus fleet to be zero emission by the end of 2022. TfL currently have 550 zero emission buses on the road, and a further 400 on order.

Further information is available at:

Further information on the fossil fuel free streets declaration is available at

Lucy Parkin, Director of ESG, Kleanbus

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